Hooray! You are in the interview process for the job you want! The next step is to submit and present a design assignment.
Read more5 Unexpected Secrets to Add Value to Your Client as a Designer
Imagine this, you’ve got a rave review on your latest project and you’ve been referred to a new client. This client calls you excited to meet you and wants to know EXACTLY what you have to offer.
Read moreA Designers Portfolio Checklist
Congratulations you are ready to put yourself out there! You have already decided it’s time for a change in your career and you are taking the next steps.
Read moreIs your design process a to-do list or adding value to your solution?
The road to neomodernism was rife with rebellion and regard, but ultimately, it represents our globalized world.
Read moreYou, I & you, ex what?
Essentially both disciplines design for the user. The interface designer makes sure the user can “see & touch” it and the experience designer make sure you can “feel and understand” it.
Daily UX writing Challenges
Yes, I did it! The daily UX challenge. Subscribe here - https://dailyuxwriting.com/. It’s fun, quick and a great way to improve your UX writing skills. I documented my thinking process and possible solutions.
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